Aberdeen Counselling Forum

Aberdeen Counselling Forum

Announcement September 2024

Dear members,

Following up from our AGM on the Thursday 12th September 2024 at 7:30pm at the Garden Lounge, Fountainhall Church, please see here the notes of the meeting.

Kind Regards, 

The Forum Committee 

 About the Counselling Forum

Aberdeen Association for Counselling came into being in 1981 and became the Counselling Forum in 2001 then Aberdeen Counselling Forum in 2016.

We aim to provide a forum for anybody interested in counselling and the counselling approach, where personal and professional development can be nurtured, diversity respected and commonality embraced.

Saturday training/CPD workshops are provided locally and presenters invited from UK and abroad. Events are open to non-members. Membership is not restricted to those with qualifications, but is open to anyone involved or interested in counselling or the counselling approach.

Membership offers:

• Discounts on CPD workshop (up to 3 people from organisations).
• Regular electronic mailings regarding future events as a bonus of membership.

Your subscription covers the year from September to August and goes towards venue costs, insurance and expenses. A committee provide their time voluntary to reduce costs to a minimum, we run on a 'not for profit' basis.
N. B. If you join after February, the membership fee will be half-price. See the How to Join Us page for details.

Charges made for events are to cover the presenters’ fees, accommodation and travel expenses, insurance and venue.


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